Wireless Residential Services

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Why High-Speed Wireless is right for you!

High-speed Internet access is fast becoming a household name anymore. Children, college students and working professionals alike are becoming increasingly more dependant on a premium Internet connection to conduct even the most basic of tasks.

With COLI Communication's high-speed Internet service, we can provide to you an alternative at slightly more than what you are paying for just dial-up alone!

With our non-line-of-sight system, we have more flexibility in the installation process. In some cases it will even allow you the option to install the antenna to the inside of a wall and get great signal. While this is an excellent alternative to people in harder to reach areas, it doesn't necessarily mean that it is a definitive solution for installation.

Our new, line-of-sight system, allows us to cover great distances at nearly half the price of the non-line-of-sight system but it does require an outdoor install and near line-of-sight to our tower. This service has an amazing range of coverage and we have recorded customer links at almost 20 miles with perfect conditions!

Always-On Access:
Wireless, always-on Internet access, with no wait to reconnect every time you want to surf the Internet or check your e-mail. You'll stay connected to the Internet via a high-speed link. No more busy signals or timely connects; with COLI Wireless the Internet waits for you.

With download speeds up to 15Mbps* (~15000kbs compared to 50kbs for a fast dial up modem), downloading a file that used to take up to 5 minutes with dial-up can now take as little as a second with Wireless!

Unaffected by bad weather:
Weather doesn't affect this technology. With the recent technological advances, weather has become a non-existent factor with wireless. What this means to you is that your browsing experience will go un-interrupted. Always on, and always there for you.

A Shared Experience :
COLI Wireless can be shared among many computers in the household or business without the worry of being charged in excess. Shared access means money in your pocket. No longer do you need the extra phone lines for Internet. Wireless can supply everyone within the building with always on high speed Internet access.

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